WP Simple Pay Documentation

Documentation, Reference Materials, and Tutorials for WP Simple Pay

How to Configure Email Settings

WP Simple Pay offers a settings area to configure emails sent by your website when various actions occur in WP Simple Pay. Alongside WP Simple Pay’s built-in emails, Stripe also provides email capabilities that can be enabled alongside for added functionality.

Stripe Email Settings

See Stripe’s documentation for using your own domain to send Stripe-powered emails.

Successful Payments

If you have enabled WP Simple Pay’s built-in Payment Receipt email, you must disable Stripe’s built-in “Successful payments” email to avoid sending duplicate emails to your customers.

Stripe customer email settings

Upcoming Renewals

Stripe’s built-in “upcoming renewals” email is incompatible with WP Simple Pay and should always be disabled.

Stripe upcoming invoice email

3D Secure Authentication

When enabled, this email will be sent if charging a customer’s card on file (when they aren’t present) requires them to complete 3D Secure authentication. It will link to a Stripe-hosted page where they can confirm the payment.

Stripe 3d secure authentication settings

WP Simple Pay Email Settings

Email settings can be configured by visiting Simple Pay Pro → Settings → Emails

In addition to these global email messages, you can customize your payment flows even further by adding custom email messages to send when a specific payment form has been used. More information can be found here.


From Name

Your email’s “From Name” (the display name, also known as the “Sender Name”) tells your recipients who sent them the message. This is important in helping your customers identify the emails are coming from your website.

From Address

Your email’s “From Address” (also known as the “Sender Email”) is the email address used when a customer replies to one of the automated emails sent by WP Simple Pay. 

It is essential to use an active email inbox for this email address to allow customers to reach you with any concerns. See our documentation article on email deliverability for more information.


WP Simple Pay allows emails to be sent in two formats a Default styled email, and a plain HTML email shown as None.

Default Styling

In addition to providing a professional styled layout, this option allows you to add a header image for your logo, and text in the email footer for a branding message, thank you note, etc.

None – Plain HTML

This option send a plain HTML email with no styling and no options for a header image or footer text


From here, you can install WP Mail SMTP from WordPress.org for free. WP Mail SMTP fixes deliverability problems with your WordPress emails so you can reliably send payment receipts, form notifications, account emails and more! Read more about WP Mail SMTP and how it helps solve email deliverability issues.


In the examples below you will see the use of various built in smart tags. You can also create smart tags using custom form field data. Find out how.

Payment Receipt

When enabled, the Payment Receipt email is sent to the value of the Email Address field in the payment form. Unlike other emails, the Payment Receipt email offers three different email body options available in the dropdown at the top of the page.

These options correspond to the three types of payments WP Simple Pay differentiates:

  • One-time payment
  • Subscription (recurring) payment
  • Subscription (recurring) with a free trial

Each email body has access to the same smart tags available to the Payment Confirmation page that customers are redirected to after successful payment.

Be sure to disable Stripe’s included “successful payment” email to avoid sending duplicate emails.

Payment Notification

When enabled, the Payment Notification email is sent to one or more email addresses (separate multiple addresses by a comma) when a successful payment is made. The email body has access to the same smart tags available to the Payment Confirmation page that customers are redirected to after successful payment.

Upcoming Invoice

When enabled, the Upcoming Invoice email is sent to the email address originally used by the customer when completing the payment. This email is triggered based on the “upcoming renewal event” setting in the Stripe Dashboard.

Be sure to disable Stripe’s included “upcoming renewal” email to avoid sending incompatible emails.

Using the {update-payment-method-url} smart tag in the email body will provide a unique URL that Customers can use to manage their Subscription.

Invoice Receipt

When enabled, the Invoice Receipt email sends receipts for subsequent invoice payments after a subscription has been activated.

Using the {update-payment-method-url} template tag in the email body will provide a unique URL that Customers can use to manage their Subscription.

In the examples above you saw the use of various built in smart tags. You can also create smart tags using custom form field data. Find out how.

Still have questions? We’re here to help!

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